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严格, 尖锐, 严肃, 严重, 严厉, 朴素的英文

"严格, 尖锐, 严肃, 严重, 严厉, 朴素"怎么读


  • severely
  • "严格"英文翻译    strict; rigorous; rigid; str ...
  • "尖锐"英文翻译    pointed and sharp; acute qui ...
  • "严肃"英文翻译    serious; solemn; earnest
  • "严重"英文翻译    serious; grave; grievous; cr ...
  • "严厉"英文翻译    stern; severe
  • "朴素"英文翻译    simple; plain
  • "严厉的,严重的,凛冽的,严格的" 英文翻译 :    severe
  • "严肃的;朴素的" 英文翻译 :    austere
  • "严格, 朴素, 激烈" 英文翻译 :    severity
  • "严格,苛严,严厉" 英文翻译 :    rigour
  • "严格的;严厉的" 英文翻译 :    strict
  • "严肃, 认真, 严重性" 英文翻译 :    seriousness
  • "严肃地,严重地" 英文翻译 :    seriously (l03)
  • "严重的严肃的" 英文翻译 :    severe
  • "严厉的规则;严格管理" 英文翻译 :    stringent regulatio; stringentregulatio
  • "严肃地, 认真地, 严重地" 英文翻译 :    seriously
  • "严格对待或严厉批评某人" 英文翻译 :    be hard on sb treat or criticize sb severely
  • "朴素" 英文翻译 :    simple; plain 衣着朴素 simply dressed; 朴素的感情 simple feeling; 朴素唯物主义 naive materialism
  • "非常大的;十分严重(或严厉)的" 英文翻译 :    the father (and mother) of
  • "严肃" 英文翻译 :    1.(令人敬畏) serious; solemn; earnest 严肃的纪律 stern discipline; 严肃的声调 severe tone of voice2.(认真) serious sober; earnest; grave 严肃对待 take a grave view of the matter3.(使严肃) enforce 严肃政纪法纪 strictly enforce laws and regulations; 严肃党纪 enforce party discipline; 严肃财经纪律 strictly enforce economic discipline
  • "尖锐" 英文翻译 :    1.(锋利) sharp-pointed; keen 像刺刀一样的尖锐 as keen as razors2.(深刻; 敏锐) penetrating; incisive; sharp; keen 尖锐的批评 incisive [sharp] criticism; 尖锐地指出 point out sharply; 他看问题很尖锐。 he sees things with a keen eye.3.(声音高而刺耳) shrill; piercing 尖锐的汽笛声 shrill whistle4.(激烈) intense; acute; sharp 尖锐的思想斗争 sharp mental conflicts; 尖锐对立 be diametrically opposed to each other; 尖锐矛盾 violent [fierce] contradiction; 这些话讲得尖锐, 但值得考虑。 these remarks are quite sharp, but worth consideration.; 尖锐化 sharpen; intensify; become more acute; 尖锐性 acuteness
  • "严格误差秒,严重误差秒" 英文翻译 :    severely errored second (ses)
  • "严厉" 英文翻译 :    stern; severe 严厉制栽 apply stern [severe] sanctions; 严厉的批评 severe criticism; 严厉声讨 sternly [strongly] denounce
  • "严格" 英文翻译 :    strict; rigorous; rigid; stringent 严格的规则 strict rules; 严格的质量管理 strict quality control; 严格规章制度 rigorously enforce rules and regulations; 严格说来 strictly speaking; in the strict sense; 严格要求自己 make strict demands on oneself; be strict with oneself; 严格训练, 严格要求 strict training and strict demands; 严格控制物价上涨 strictly control price rises; 严格法纪 strict enforcement of law and discipline; 严格法律 blue law; 严格控制 strict control; subjugate; 严格检查 close check; 严格检验 tightened inspection; acid test; 严格限制 close confinement; 严格遵守合同条款 strict performance of contract; 严格执行 execute to the letter; 严格制止 nip
  • "严重" 英文翻译 :    serious; grave; grievous; critical 严重关头 critical juncture; 病情严重 be seriously ill; 他的病很严重。 his illness was a severe one.; 严重程度 order of severity; 严重错误 gross error; 严重过失 aggravated negligence; serious misconduct; 严重后果 serious consequences; 严重警告 serious warning; 严重亏损 heavy losses; 严重伤害 grievous injury; 严重伤亡事故 casualty; 严重失效 serious failure; 严重失业地区 substantial-unemployment area; 严重失职 gross neglect of duty; 严重损害 grievous injury; 严重违法行为 outrage; 严重违约 serious breach of contract; 严重猥亵罪 gross indecency; 严重罪行 grave crime
严格, 尖锐, 严肃, 严重, 严厉, 朴素的英文翻译,严格, 尖锐, 严肃, 严重, 严厉, 朴素英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译严格, 尖锐, 严肃, 严重, 严厉, 朴素,严格, 尖锐, 严肃, 严重, 严厉, 朴素的英文意思,嚴格, 尖銳, 嚴肅, 嚴重, 嚴厲, 樸素的英文严格, 尖锐, 严肃, 严重, 严厉, 朴素 meaning in English嚴格, 尖銳, 嚴肅, 嚴重, 嚴厲, 樸素的英文严格, 尖锐, 严肃, 严重, 严厉, 朴素怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。